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Monday, February 25, 2019

Wow I haven’t posted anything in a while! I’ve been super busy with a play, but I plan on making more time for posting. I gave not been cooking anything lately. But I need make some crepes on Saturday, and I forgot to add the butter and three eggs. So they were a lot thicker than what they were supposed to be. Haha. I was teaching one of my friends how to ride the other day. It went pretty well. I don’t have any pictures sadly.  I am actually at the play right now. And I’m sorry it’s such a short post, there isn’t really anything to post about. But like I said before I will do my best posting more often now.


  1. What kind of play Kalia?

    1. It was called the enchanted bookshop. So main characters came to life to help save the bookshop. I was back stage crew. And next month I will be in advanced theatre for the first time, but I’ll be acting. (Lets hope and pray that all goes well) 😬😬😂😂

    2. Oh, sounds fun. My sister and I are thinking about joining The Academy of the Arts, which is a ministry that produces Christian plays.

  2. Replies
    1. I own one horse, shes a Quarter horse, buckskin, shes 29 years old but still rid-able, and about 14.6 hands. Shes really sweet and good with little kids. My cousin who's only four can ride her all by herself, without me leading her.
